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Stressed and distracted by design: Smartphones and Social Media

Sven Parthie • Apr 16, 2024

Modern Technology is depleating our abilitiy to concentrate on serious tasks for a longer time. What can you do to get your attention back, reduce stress and get focussed on the important things again?

Smartphones, tablets, wearables,: Wherever we go these days, social media, messenger services, newssites,  and emails are asking for our attention. The design of the modern technology world and especially the social media environment conditions us to be online and available for the newest notification, post or like at all times. At the same time, our brain gets hooked by the information overload and constant flow of new shiny things within the social media infrastructure.

Being exposed to this distractive modern technology can cause severe problems to focus on a single problem for a longer time - a phenomenon that is called "popcorn brain". This phrase was coined by the researcher David Levy, and its symptoms are reduced control over one's emotions and difficulties in taking and executing decisions - besides the deminished ability to focus.

So, what can you do to prevent "popcorn brain" symptoms:

  1. Delete social media and messenger apps from your phone and tablet. Just leave apps on your phone, that you need for professional reasons or for important private communication.
  2. Switch off notifications as much as you can. Only allow notifications for apps, that are used professionally or privately for urgent matters.
  3. When using social media, only do what you came for. If you "just" want to look at your feed, set yourself a time limit and leave.

While it is still possible to slowly retrain your brain to increase your focus time, e.g. by applying the Pomodoro technique or by applying certain concentration and behavioural exercises, it surely is preferable to prevent a "popcorn" state of mind. However, the addictiveness of the general media landscape are making it hard to escape the digital data stream.

For a follow-up: If you think you need help to get your attention back, you are welcome to contact me or to book a coaching session. The mentioned techniques and a more in depth discussion of ways to reduce your social media consumption will also be part of the stress management seminar in May


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